
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

December 29, 2009. First Blog.

Ello. I just got the idea to make myself a place where i could blog, and get what I'm thinking and feeling out because at the moment; i don't really have someone i can do that with, and there is a lot going on at the moment. for one i know my page looks like shit, I'm working on that. not entirely sure how to make everything work right quite yet, just kind of messing around with it and i suppose we will see what happens. at the moment i am fighting off a cold and feel like SHIT. I'm sure i will feel better once i can breathe. so far i have missed 2 days of work and if i still don't feel good tomorrow i suppose i will just not bother going in this week. Had a good Christmas, and hopefully a good new year as well. not planning on doing anything special. were supposed to be getting a big storm here soon. supposed to go for like 4 days. there were ppl on the TV joking it will be the storm of the decade. cheesy i know. i go back to school on Jan. 19th. I'm pretty excited. i got accepted into the culinary arts program. i love to cook. especially things that aren't so good for you lol. at the moment i am watching ghost hunters thinking about a conversation i recently had with one of my friends. a male friend. why do guys have to be so complicated? i wish they could just make up they re minds. all though, i will give this one credit for he is the first who hasn't tried to get into my pants. at the moment I'm trying to just be the patient friend but i don't think I'm doing a very good job at it.

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