
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Links necessairy for your well being.


December 31, 2009

Today is December 31 at 8.00 pm and i am still sick. not much went on today. got a couple of things shipped off; and realized that i may not be getting paid for them? I'm not sure we will find out soon....ill be pissed if i cant. at the moment i am listening to lady antebellum, and a few other artists singing slow sad love songs. maybe i wouldn't feel so shitty right now if i listened to something different? i texted will today. surprised he didn't flip out lol. see i have made an album on Picasa and i asked him if he would check it out and see if i labeled everything correctly considering 5 albums or so are from when i was in California with him. idk we will see what happens. he's got himself a new lover. wish i could say the same. no offense to anyone but she is a very big girl and quite obviously a mexican. which don't get me wrong; I'm not racist at all but i think its a little strange considering he supposedly wouldn't ever date a mexiacan according to him...all well. i hope hes happy. i cant blame him i hate being alone as well. Ive made several attempts at changing that; but so far all Ive ended up getting is getting used. ugh. I'm so stupid sometimes. I've kinda got a thing for one of my friends, and by what has happened he obviously has a thing for me to. perhaps i will elaborate on this at some other point. however i will give you a glimpse into this situation so you may be able to understand what I'm saying. he was going out with this chick for a year and a half i believe; and broke up with her four months ago, and is not quite over her yet. i can understand this with out a problem sure, but what confuses me is that he has been over to my house on several occasions, and we've made out on several occasions, but yet, we are only friends. wtf is that? idk maybe I'm just over thinking these things. I'm young. maybe i should just say fuck it and forget about it? I've been being the patient supporting friend for a while now. I'm trying so hard to do this but its not easy. for one thing, i am not known to be a patient person at all. and the other being i really like him. a lot. he turns me on so bad when he touches me. its crazy. no other guy has had that effect on me before, except perhaps will. he definitely knows it as well because i have told him this, after hes not here of course. and its quite easy to tell that i get him a little excited as well if you know what i mean. lol. still though, I'm not sure what to do. i haven't even talked to him in like 2 days which worries me a little. i don't know I'm trying to put it out of my mind. i suppose writing all this junk isn't helping much is it? lol. i suppose i should stop than ha. this is where i shall end my post for today.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

December 30, 2009

so i finally got to sleep at 3.00 am, and woke up at 9. a whole 6 hours of sleep whoo hoo! i still feel like shit and i suppose i should call into work. i have a massive headache, and when i went up stairs there was no fucking coffee. i mean wtf. i need that! i suppose the good part of all this is that i haven't been eating much so i suppose I'm losing weight, at least to some degree. i have a package i got to get mailed before Thursday, i have no idea how I'm gonna get it shipped considering i have no incentive to take 3 hours to go to the post office and get back home. at the moment i am currently watching dog; the bounty hunter. isn't he like 40 or something? hes still pretty hott. i think his wife's boobs are blown up with air or something. i mean like, why would she want them that big? they must hurt her back. and whats the point? Ive heard from multiple guys that anything more than a mouthful is pretty much a waste. you know i was just thinking how totally awesome it would be if i could like, you know, BREATHE?!?! i wish this fucking headache would go away. cant think of much else to say at this point, so i suppose i shall end my tangent here.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

December 29, 2009. First Blog.

Ello. I just got the idea to make myself a place where i could blog, and get what I'm thinking and feeling out because at the moment; i don't really have someone i can do that with, and there is a lot going on at the moment. for one i know my page looks like shit, I'm working on that. not entirely sure how to make everything work right quite yet, just kind of messing around with it and i suppose we will see what happens. at the moment i am fighting off a cold and feel like SHIT. I'm sure i will feel better once i can breathe. so far i have missed 2 days of work and if i still don't feel good tomorrow i suppose i will just not bother going in this week. Had a good Christmas, and hopefully a good new year as well. not planning on doing anything special. were supposed to be getting a big storm here soon. supposed to go for like 4 days. there were ppl on the TV joking it will be the storm of the decade. cheesy i know. i go back to school on Jan. 19th. I'm pretty excited. i got accepted into the culinary arts program. i love to cook. especially things that aren't so good for you lol. at the moment i am watching ghost hunters thinking about a conversation i recently had with one of my friends. a male friend. why do guys have to be so complicated? i wish they could just make up they re minds. all though, i will give this one credit for he is the first who hasn't tried to get into my pants. at the moment I'm trying to just be the patient friend but i don't think I'm doing a very good job at it.